In the Wake of a Tragedy, Video Helps Paint a Picture of Loss, Unity, and Action

In the Wake of a Tragedy, Video Helps Paint a Picture of Loss, Unity, and Action

Last week sucked. Many of us woke up to the news on Sunday, June 12th to the news that a terrorist took the lives of 49 individuals in an Orlando Gay Night Club. Ben and I were shocked. This was pretty close to home for us, with family in Orlando and us both growing up in Miami and Central Florida.

Our mind couldn’t catch up to the reality that was taking place with every breaking news update. We were heartbroken. The social media posts started. Victims started having names and faces. Details of the horror surfaced. Vigils were scheduled. Funerals arranged. Legislation was attempted. And the world kept moving.

6 Pixar-Fueled Ways to Create Your Story

6 Pixar-Fueled Ways to Create Your Story

At Trove Studios, our goal is to help you tell your story – we say as much on our home page. Even if you’re not quite sure what it is, we want to help you find it. When creating a video, thinking about what it should say is very important – and one company that does this incredibly well is Pixar Studios. Responsible for funny, emotional, captivating stories, we think they could teach all of us a thing or two about their narrative process.

Funny on Film—Should You Try It?

Funny on Film—Should You Try It?

Saturday Night Live’s Michael Che once said that the goal of comedy is to get the entire crowd to feel as though they’re having an idea at once. Whether the idea is “I should hire that company!” or “I had a great time at this special event,” this powerful uniting factor may be something you want to include in your video.

Tips from Our Favorite Viral Videos

Tips from Our Favorite Viral Videos

It can happen seemingly all at once—a video goes from being one of many on YouTube or Vine, to being on the news, in timelines all across the Internet, and on the lips of everyone you know. The transformation from viewed to viral is seemingly a mysterious one, but is likely a combination of a few key factors. While neither we nor our clients would ever guarantee you a viral sensation, you can learn a bit from some of the Internet’s most popular clips when thinking about your project.

Why should be the model for overt product marketing

Why should be the model for overt product marketing

If you haven’t been living under a rock for the past year and a half, then you’ve probably seen at least one commercial. They’ve trademarked Captain Obvious on every single mobile platform. There’s a commercial spot for the App, for a Memorial Day Sale, and for a gift card. What makes these ads so great, award winning even, is the fact that they’re obvious about the product they’re selling without being pushy, condescending or boring.