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Visual Medium at Large

Visual Medium at Large

We all know the saying: Pictures are worth an exponential amount of words, yada yada yada, so on and so forth. The reason this tried-and-true cliche just won’t die is because it’s absolutely correct, and for good reason. Over 90% of the information we digest is visual and a study back in May of 2015 now suggests the average adult attention span is an impressively shameful eight seconds. I can vouch for that because I reached for my phone on no less than three separate occasions while writing this paragraph.

Creativity Without Narrative Structure

Creativity Without Narrative Structure

A couple of weeks ago, Team Trove went on an outing to watch Knight of Cups, a movie written and directed by Terrence Malick and starring Christian Bale. 

After over two hours of creepy voice overs and clip after clip of a brooding Christian Bale, the movie was finally over and it led to an interesting discussion on the use of narrative structure in film. We concluded that creativity without narrative structure-whether in movies, commercials, etc.- comes off as either pretentious, lazy, or just bad.

Here's why it's important to bind creativity to the limits of narrative structure: